is a tool that informs the investors about the token by generating a report which gives you info about the tokenomics, holders, remaining PancakeSwap liquidity amount, ownership, Market Cap, LP Lock data, maximum transaction limit, and malicious code scanning of the requested token.
Basically, whenever an investor generates a report about a token he/she will get the necessary information about the token in seconds. Normally, checking a smart contract in Bscscan takes 5-10 minutes. Since reading a code is not always easy and requires enough knowledge about the smart contracts. However, with our easy-to-use tool, you don’t have to be a smart contract expert to analyze a token to determine if it’s safe or not.
Safe Analyzer Bot is currently used by many investors and groups. More than 20.000 reports are generated by the SafeAnalyzerbot daily. And it’s increasing day by day.
Click here to reach the bot. Type "/safe 0x...(contract address)" as a message and then press enter. You will receive a report about the token in seconds.
Add @SafeAnalyzerbot to your group and then make it admin. Then you will be able to use the bot on your group.